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disabling "save as source"?

Sorry if this has been covered before:

I am thinking of offering web space for sale for people
wanting to put their genealogy info & family trees etc.
on the Web.  It would be convenient for me if i could offer
a deal of "30 days for free, and if you look at it and like
it, send me the payment, otherwise it gets removed."  

For this to be effective, i'd have to be able to disable their
ability to just save it as source and post it somewhere else.
Is there a way to do this with Netscape 2.0 + ?


               Orrin C. Winton WN1Z      orrin@redshift.com   
               <A href=mailto:orrin@redshift.com></a><br>

   "Two of the gravest general dangers to survival are the desire for
    comfort and a passive outlook." -- U.S. Army Ranger Handbook
